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Looking Back
Goal Statement Heading into MAED Program
As I look back on my original goal statement while applying to the Master of Arts in Education (MAED) program at Michigan State, it is clear that I had two main goals. First, was to earn my masters degree with the intention of becoming a full-time high school teacher on the physical education side of things. Second, was to follow in the footsteps of my mother, father, and grandfather as a role model for young adults. All three of them were in the field of education which allowed them to have an impact on the lives of many young adults.
Both of these goals are intertwined with each other in a way. I was fortunate enough to have had amazing teachers, coaches, and role models around while I was in school and playing sports which is what lit the fire for me wanting to do the same. The idea of being a teacher and a coach was the vessel to also become a role model to young adults.
In the year and a half since starting the MAED program, my goals have not completely changed, but they have molded into something a bit different. I no longer work at the high school I was previously employed at, and I decided to make a career change to follow my other dream of owning a restaurant. I am currently a manager and a corporate trainer for a chain of restaurants in Southern California, and while the line of work is different, there are still ways that I attain my original goals on a daily basis.
Being a manager and a trainer still allows me to use my teaching background in order to provide my staff with the tools they need to be a successful employee. From teaching a cook how to prepare an item in the kitchen, or a waiter how to engage with customers, I am able to put my passion for teaching to use constantly. There are also certain traits that managers need to have to be successful, and in my opinion, a role model is at the top of that list. If I want to lead a group of people, and more importantly a successful group of people, I have to be able to lead by example. My employees need to be able to look up to me in order to see the right way to do things. I cannot be everyone at once, but they need to have the faith in me that I provided them with all they needed to excel at their job.
While my employment industry has changed, I am still able to complete my goals of educating and being a strong role model with the people around me. I can only hope to do as good of a job as the role models I had when I was growing up.
Looking Back: Goal Reflection: List
Looking Back: Goal Reflection: Contact
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